Breadth of Industry Coverage

We answer key questions on the companies that matter to you


YipitData's new MedTech feed and research products provide the earliest, most accurate read on the KPIs of 40+ MedTech tickers. With YipitData, MedTech investors are the first to know about key inflections.
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We provide consumer investors a dashboard for a streamlined view into the performance of over +60,000 brands and 400 tickers, packaged by category to provide a holistic view across your coverage universe.


We offer detailed insights into consumer technology, fintech, cloud services, and software companies to provide you with more granular insights into key metrics.

Who We Help

Hedge Funds

YipitData offers unparalleled insights derived from robust proprietary and licensed data sets. Our dedicated approach, including focused analysts covering targeted companies and tailored products, aids funds by helping to monitor their existing positions while offering insights to help them generate new ideas.

● Top-line tracking

● Automated data for timeliness

● Intra-quarter reads into performance

Private Equity

YipitData provides private equity investors with a dashboard to track over 60,000 brands, including 55,000 from private companies, offering insights into brand performance across both brick-and-mortar and e-commerce channels, aiding idea generation, diligence, and portfolio operations.

● More frequent data

● Large consumer panel

● Dedicated data analyst team

Investment Managers & Mutual Funds

For the fundamental investor, uncertainty is a constant. YipitData’s long-term insights can help ensure you have the most transparent view of a business, reducing your uncertainty and increasing conviction.

● Order granularity

● Market share trends

● Strategic Initiatives


Card Transaction

Google Ad Spend

Cloud Spend

Auto Insurance & Registration

Diverse Data Sources

Our products are powered by diverse data sources including our proprietary* email receipt and web scraped data sets.

Web Data*

Web Traffic

Click Stream

Amazon Purchases

Physical Receipts

App Downloads

Medtech Dataset

Engage with YipitData in the format that best suits your coverage and  process

Research & Analysis

90+ Research Reports with top-line and in-depth analysis  covering tickers across TMT and Consumer


Interactive dashboards allowing you to cut our data and produce visualizations in an easy to use UI

Data Feeds

Feeds of raw and processed data available enabling you to ingest data to input into your own models

Investor Resources

Preview our latest insights through our blogs, case studies, whitepapers, and webcasts. Learn more on our Investor Blog

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